955 South 3800 West
955 South 3800 West,
Salt Lake City, UT 84104,
Big Box Warehouse
955 South 3800 West
Location Salt Lake City, Utah

955 South 3800 West,
Salt Lake City, UT 84104,
Net Lettable Area 33,361  sqm
Platform/Funding Mapletree US & EU Logistics Private Trust

The property is located in the western portion of Salt Lake City, 6 miles west of the Salt Lake Central Business District. The immediate area surrounding the subject consists primarily of industrial uses. Primary access to the neighbourhood is provided by Highway 201, Interstate 215, Bangerter Highway, and Interstate 80. The commute to Salt Lake Central Business District is about 10 to 15 minutes. The property consists of a single warehouse block, is equipped with a sprinkler system and offers a 28-31-foot ceiling height, 326 parking spaces, 56 dock doors and 10 drive-in doors.